Friday, June 15, 2012

The Proficiency Exam.

I'm not sure if this is true for all other master's programs, but with Classical languages, one of the first things that I had to do is take a Latin proficiency exam. This basically lets my adviser know where my skill set in translating is blah blah blah. 
Since I was split between two schools this past year (different story for a different day), I didn't have the time to practice my Latin translating muscles specifically for this test. Luckily, I am a, in fact, a Latin teacher, and have to deal with translations and grammar on a daily basis, so I didn't go into the test completely unprepared. 
To compound the stress of having to take this test, I was at my parents' house the previous night, helping my sister, Meghann, house-sit while our parents are overseas in the UK. I went to bed late that night and had to wake up at 4:30am to ensure that I would make it to Athens in time. As I hopped into the shower, I seriously considered bailing on the whole thing, sending an email saying that I gotten a stomach virus or there was some family emergency. Then I remembered I was 25, not 15, matured-up and finished getting ready. 
I arrived in Athens after a 2 hour drive and hiked my way to Park Hall. The test was in the Alexander Room. It was TINY! A few people were in there before me. We chatted for a little while then our adviser came in and gave us the test. 
Either it was nerves or I was truly on fire because when I got that test, I just started translating. The first passage was by Cicero and it took up the entire first page. The second passage was from the Aeneid. I had never seen the Cicero passage before that test and in fact the only thing that I had ever translated from Cicero was his Philippics. The Aeneid I had translated before but I didn't remember the section that was one the test. So truly for me, it was an exercise in sight reading. I had never felt that confident with a sight translation in my whole career. I finished with 30 minutes to spare while everyone else was flipping through their dictionaries. 
I'm not sure how I actually did on my proficiency exam. I don't meet with my adviser until July since I start my class in the 2nd Summer Session. I guess we'll just have to wait and see...

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