Thursday, August 30, 2012

Survivalism is overrated...

Tomorrow is payday. Long awaited payday that comes at the tail end of a 31day month after the month of endless driving to and from Athens. My goal for August was to ride my bike everyday as penitence for my carbon footprint I placed on Mother Earth in the month of July. Turns out I was also seeking some sort of karmic absolution for the sin of Greed, because even if I had wanted to drive, I had no gas money.
I've eaten my spoonfuls of peanut butter and prayed my morning oatmeal would hold out in my empty stomach for the 8 hour school day, but I often have gone home this month hungry with a headache. I even stashed apples, now a crazy inside joke with two of my students, so that I could save money.
I pray that September, my birthday month, will be less miserable than August and July. Finding out that my extended day pay that I didn't get from February through May may not be making its debut in my bank account until the September's pay check, only inspires pessimism. The ember that I hold for decent meals and an easy commute to work, still has some warmth. Let's pray it turns into a wild fire.

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