Saturday, July 7, 2012

Archaeology is far from Indiana Jones.

The fun of taking Classics courses is that each of your professors has a specific field that they themselves studied in the process of getting their doctorates. MPP wrote an entire book on Ovid's Fasti, the Doctor was an expert on early imperial Rome, and the Mater Familias could talk for hours on end about amphorae from the Kerameikos. My professor for Caesar's Gaul is truly an archaeologist. For this post I would simply like list a few very pivotal quotes that she has said in only 3 classes about archaeology. 

"Archaeology tell you what people do, not what people think...literary texts tell you what people think." 

"We have fallen out of love with maps." Couldn't agree more.... 

In reference to archaeological digs "Since you are destroying it, you'd better record the hell out of it." 

and my favorite "Women are bearers of culture." 

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